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There are times when we have to move mailboxes in Bulk to maintain our Exchange Server environment for various reasons, that is the crucial activity for Exchange Admin as when we bulk move mailboxes, it generates a lot of transactions logs, which are required to be truncated to maintain the log drive space, so to overcome this situation we have options to enable circular logging, but in highly available environment where there are multiple database copies to be sync enabling circular logging alone doesn't help, as this process of CRCL slows the log truncation process and log drive may fill up pretty frequently.
So this script takes care of most of the mailbox moves related works.
below are functionality included in this scripts.
So this script takes care of most of the mailbox moves related works.
below are functionality included in this scripts.
- Monitors the Log Drive Space every 5 min and if size goes beyond 55% suspends the moves.
- Resume the Mailbox move back when the available % is Above 90
- Resume Failed Moves.
- Enable or Disable Circulate Logging on the DB automatically
- Cleanup the Database post Moves to purge moved mailboxes
- Cleanup Completed move Request
- Notify Admins on action Taken by move Monitor tool.
# MoveMoniter-Advanced.ps1 # Author: Sunil Chauhan # Email: Sunilkms@gmail.com # This Script moniters Mailbox logdrive space and mailbox move and takes required ` #action suspened or resume the move automatically. # Version 1.0 ::: Moniter Log drive space and if it less then 55% suspend moves. # Version 1.5 ::: Target DB Circuler Logging check added, Enable or Disable if required. # Version 2.5 ::: Auto Resume Feature Added for suspened and failed moves as well. # Mailbox move will be resumed automatically when 90% space free in log drive. # Version 3.5 ::: Less CPU overhead, only Queary Log space for DB which is beeing monitored. # Database Size info added. # Version 4.5 ::: Email Reporting Added. # Version 5.5 ::: Post Move taskes Added, Auto disable circuler loggin if log drive free 90% # Auto Clean Move Requests, Auto DB Cleanup to purge moved mailboxes cls "start move Monitor.." #Target DB Log Drive Threshold value to suspend moves. $DiskTh="55" #Target DB Log Drive Threshold value for auto resume suspend Mailbox Moves $sDiskTh="90" $ExitCode="FORCE" #====Edit Recipient Details for Notification===================== $to="to@domain.com" $From="from@domain.com" $Smtp="SmtpServer" $movemonlog="movemonlog.txt" #================================================================ function GetDBFreeSpace { Param ($DB) $dbinfo = get-mailboxdatabase $DB $server = $dbinfo.server $EDB=$dbinfo.edbfilepath.pathname.split("\")[2] $log=$dbinfo.logfolderpath.pathname.split("\")[2] $DBDRiveS=Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class win32_volume | Select Capacity,FreeSpace,Label $DBD=@() $edbs=$DBDRiveS | ? {$_.Label -eq $edb } | Select Label, @{n="Capacity GB";E={[math]::round($_.Capacity / 1073741824)}}, @{n="FreeSpace GB";E={[math]::round($_.FreeSpace / 1073741824)}}, @{Name="Free(%)" ` ;expression={[math]::round(((($_.FreeSpace / 1073741824)/($_.Capacity / 1073741824)) * 100),0)}} $dbd += $edbs $log=$DBDRiveS | ? {$_.Label -eq $log } | Select Label, @{n="Capacity GB";E={[math]::round($_.Capacity / 1073741824)}}, @{n="FreeSpace GB";E={[math]::round($_.FreeSpace / 1073741824)}}, @{Name="Free(%)"; ` expression={[math]::round(((($_.FreeSpace / 1073741824)/($_.Capacity / 1073741824)) * 100),0)}} $dbd += $log $dbd } function CleanUp-Database { param ($database) $Mailboxes = Get-MailboxStatistics -Database $database | where {$_.DisconnectReason -eq “SoftDeleted”} if ($mailboxes -eq $null) { Write-Host "no mailbox found in the db for cleanup" } else { Write-host "Mailbox found for cleanup:"$Mailboxes.Count -f cyan Write-Host "cleaning..." $Mailboxes | % { Remove-StoreMailbox -Database $_.database -Identity $_.mailboxguid -MailboxState SoftDeleted -Confirm:$False } Write-Host "done." } } Function CleanCompMoveRequest { write-host "Getting Completed Mailbox Move Request" $completed = Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus Completed -ResultSize Unlimited if ($completed) { write-host "Found Completed move Request to remove:" $completed.count $completed | Remove-MoveRequest -Confirm:$false write-host "DOne" } else {"ALL clear, No completed Move Request found."} } DO { Clear-Content $movemonlog #ALL Queued Mailbox Move Request $queued=Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus Queued #All inprogress Move Requests $MoveRequest=Get-MoveRequest -moveStatus Inprogress -ResultSize Unlimited | ? {$_.TargetDatabase -notlike "*DU*"} #All Suspend Move Requests $SmoveRequest=Get-MoveRequest -moveStatus Suspended #Get unique DB for Monitor $DataBasetoMonitor=$moveRequest | Select TargetDatabase -Unique $SdatabaseToMonitor=$smoveRequest | Select TargetDatabase -Unique if ($DataBasetoMonitor -eq $null -and $SdatabaseToMonitor -eq $null) { $ExitCode="NORMAL" "No Mailbox move in progress, Monitor will terminate.." Break } Else { Write-Host " Mailbox Move InProgress:" -n Write-host "" $MoveRequest.Count -f cyan -n Write-host " Queued:" -n #Display Suspend Move info only if there are Suspend Moves if ($sDataBasetoMonitor) { Write-Host "" $Queued.count -f Yellow -NoNewline Write-host " Suspended:" -n Write-host ""$SmoveRequest.count -ForegroundColor Yellow } else {Write-Host "" $Queued.count -f Yellow} if ($DataBasetoMonitor.count -gt 1) { $dtmc = $DataBasetoMonitor.count} else {$dtmc=1} Write-Host "Total DB to monitor" $dtmc -f cyan } Add-Content -Value "Mailbox Move InProgress:$($MoveRequest.Count) Queued:$($Queued.count)" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "Total DB to monitor:$dtmc" -Path $movemonlog #Get the Logfiles disk space stats foreach ($Sdb in $DataBasetoMonitor) { $db=($Sdb).TargetDatabase.Name $ldn=$(Get-MailboxDatabase $db).Logfolderpath.PathName.split("\")[2] #Circular Logging Status of Database $CLstatus = (Get-MailboxDatabase $db).CircularLoggingEnabled $CLvalueG = "Green" $CLvalueR = "REd" $CL = if ($clstatus -eq "true") { $CLvalueG } else {$CLvalueR} "" Write-host "**************************************************" Add-Content -Value "**************************************************" -Path $movemonlog Write-Host $DB":" -f yellow -NoNewline Add-Content -Value "$DB" -Path $movemonlog write-host " Free Space in DB:" -n Write-host $(GetDBFreespace $DB)[0].'Free(%)' -f cyan -NoNewline Write-host "(%)" Write-host "CircularLoggingEnabled: " -n Write-host $CLstatus -f $cL Add-Content -Value "Free Space in DB:$($(GetDBFreespace $DB)[0].'Free(%)') %" -Path $movemonlog if ($clstatus -eq 0) { Write-host "Enabling Circular Logging for DB" $db Set-MailboxDatabase $db -CircularLoggingEnabled:$True Add-Content -Value "Enabling Circular Logging for DB:$db" -Path $movemonlog } $Move = Get-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $db -ResultSize Unlimited Add-Content -Value "Total Mailbox Move to Target DB:$($move.count)" -Path $movemonlog $comp = $move | ? {$_.Status -like "Completed"} $compinp = $move | ? {$_.Status -like "inprog*"} $failed = $move | ? {$_.Status -like "Fail*"} $SourceDB = $move | select SourceDatabase -Unique Write-host "Source Database:" $SourceDB.SourceDatabase.Name Add-Content -Value "Source Database:$($SourceDB.SourceDatabase.Name)" -Path $movemonlog Write-host "MoveRequest Completed:" -n Write-Host $($Comp.count)"" -f cyan -n Add-Content -Value "MoveRequest Completed:$($Comp.count)" -Path $movemonlog Write-Host "Inprogress:" -n Add-Content -Value "Inprogress:$($compinp.count)" -Path $movemonlog if ($failed) { Write-Host $($compinp.count) -n -f Cyan Add-Content -Value "Failed:$($Failed.count)" -Path $movemonlog Write-Host " Failed:" -n -f Cyan Write-Host $($Failed.count) -f yellow Write-Host "Resumeing Failed Moves.." Add-Content -Value "Resumeing Failed Moves.." -Path $movemonlog Get-MoveRequest -targetDatabase $db -moveStatus "Failed" | Resume-MoveRequest -Confirm:$false } else {Write-Host $($compinp.count) -f Cyan} $Free=$(GetDBFreespace $DB)[1].'Free(%)' if ($free -lt $DiskTh) { Add-Content -Value "Log drive space Free(%):$free" -Path $movemonlog Write-Host "Log Drive space seems to be high for DB:$db" " Free(%):$Free" -f Yellow Write-Host "Move Monitor will suspend Mailbox moves for:$db" -f Yellow Add-Content -Value "Log Drive space seems to be high for DB:$db" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "`nMove Monitor will suspend Mailbox moves for:$db" -Path $movemonlog $TotMove=Get-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $db -moveStatus Inprogress Write-Host "Total Move in progress:"$($totMove.count) #Suspend Mailbox Move $TotMove | Suspend-MoveRequest -confirm:$false $n=Get-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $db -moveStatus Inprogress $ns= Write-Host "Move Suspended:"($totMove.count - $n.count) Add-Content -Value "`nMove Suspended:$($totMove.count - $n.count)" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "**************************************************" -Path $movemonlog #Send Notification $suspendSub="Mailbox Move Monitor-Move Suspended for:$DB" Send-MailMessage -to $to -From $From -Subject $suspendSub -SmtpServer $smtp } else { Write-host "Log drive space Free(%):" -n Write-host $Free -f Green Add-Content -Value "Log drive space Free(%):$free" -Path $movemonlog Write-host "**************************************************" Add-Content -Value "**************************************************" -Path $movemonlog } } if ($sDataBasetoMonitor) { Write-Host "**************************************************" Write-Host "Suspened MoveRequest Found:"$SmoveRequest.count -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "Checking if MoveRequest can be Resume." Add-Content -Value "Suspened MoveRequest Found:$($SmoveRequest.count)" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "Checking if MoveRequest can be Resume." -Path $movemonlog foreach ($susDB in $sDataBasetoMonitor) { $db=($Susdb).TargetDatabase.Name $Free = $(GetDBFreespace $DB)[1].'Free(%)' if ($free -gt $sDiskTh) { Add-Content -Value "$db" -Path $movemonlog Write-Host "LogDrive space seems to be normal now for DB:" -n Write-Host $db -f yellow -NoNewline Write-Host " Free(%):" -NoNewline write-host $Free -f Yellow write-host "MoveMonitor will Resume Mailbox move for DB:"$db -f Green Write-Host "**************************************************" Add-Content -Value "LogDrive space seems to be normal now,LogDrive free(%):$free" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "`nResuming Mailbox move Requests." -Path $movemonlog Get-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase $DB -moveStatus Suspended | Resume-MoveRequest -Confirm:$false Add-Content -Value "`nMailbox Move Has been Resumed." -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "**************************************************" -Path $movemonlog $sub="MoveMoniter:Mailbox Move has been Resumed for:$DB" Send-MailMessage -to $to -From $from -Subject $sub -SmtpServer $smtp } else{ write-host "DB size still high, MoveMonitor will auto resume Mailbox Moves when LogDrive has 90% Free Space." write-host "Currently Free(%):" -n Write-Host $Free -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host "**************************************************" Add-Content -Value "DB size still high, MoveMonitor will auto resume Mailbox Moves when LogDrive has 90% Free Space." -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "Currently Free(%):$free" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "**************************************************" -Path $movemonlog } } } #Write progress for waiting time.. $suspendSub="Mailbox Move Monitor-status" Send-MailMessage -to $to -From $From -Subject $suspendSub -SmtpServer $smtp -Body (cat movemonlog.txt | Out-String) "SLEEP FOR 5 MIN" 0..50 | % {sleep $(300/50); Write-Host "*" -n -f Yellow} cls } until ($moveRequest -eq 0 -and $sDataBasetoMonitor -eq 0) #post Move Completion Tasks if ($ExitCode -eq "NORMAL") { write-host "PostMove Tasks Begins.." write-host "Getting SourceDatabase for Cleanup." Add-Content -Value "" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "PostMove Tasks Begens.." -Path $movemonlog $completedmoveRequest = Get-MoveRequest -moveStatus Completed -ResultSize Unlimited $SourceDataBase = $completedmoveRequest | Select SourceDatabase -Unique $TargetDataBase = $completedmoveRequest | Select TargetDatabase -Unique if ($SourceDataBase) { foreach ($sdb in $SourceDataBase) { $db=($sdb).SourceDatabase.Name write-host "Cleaning up SourceDatabase:"$db Add-Content -Value "Cleaning up SourceDatabase:$db" -Path $movemonlog CleanUp-Database $db } } else{ write-host "No SourceDatabase found for Cleanup." Add-Content -Value "No SourceDatabase found for Cleanup." -Path $movemonlog } if ($TargetDataBase) { foreach ($tdb in $TargetDataBase) { $db=($tdb).TargetDatabase.Name write-host "Checking if Circular Logging can be disabled for DB"$db Add-Content -Value "------------------------------------------------------------------------" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "Checking if Circular Logging can be disabled for DB:$db" -Path $movemonlog $Free=$(GetDBFreespace $DB)[1].'Free(%)' if ($free -gt 80) { write-host "Circular Logging has been disabled for Target DB"$db Set-MailboxDatabase $db -CircularLoggingEnabled:$false Add-Content -Value "`nCircular Logging has been disabled for Target DB:$db" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "------------------------------------------------------------------------" -Path $movemonlog } else { write-host "LogDrive Space is still less then 80% Circular Logging will be kept Enabled For the moment"-f yellow Add-Content -Value "`nLogDrive Space is still less then 80%" -Path $movemonlog Add-Content -Value "Circular Logging will be kept Enabled For the moment" -Path $movemonlog } } } write-host "Removing Completed Move Request." Add-Content -Value "`nRemoved Completed Move Request" -Path $movemonlog CleanCompMoveRequest $suspendSub="Mailbox Move Monitor-Post Move Completion Tasks Status" Send-MailMessage -to $to -From $From -Subject $suspendSub -SmtpServer $smtp -Body (cat $movemonlog| Out-String) }
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