Install ADFS on Azure VM step by step

Configuring protocol logging in exchange 2016

Protocol logging records the SMTP conversations that occur between messaging servers and between Exchange services in the transport pipeline as part of message delivery

In this post we will learn how to enable protocol logging in Exchange Server 2016.
We can enable protocol logging using EAC or using Exchange PowerShell
So first lets go through how to Use the EAC to enable or disable protocol logging on a connector
Use the below procedure to enable or disable protocol logging on a Send or a Receive connector.
Open the EAC and navigate to one of the following locations:
  • Mail flow > Send connectors
  • Mail flow > Receive connectors
Select the connector you want to configure, and then click Edit

On the General tab in the Protocol logging level section, select one of the following options:
  • Protocol logging disabled.
  • Verbose Protocol logging is enabled. 
And then click Save.

Next let’s see how Use the EAC to configure the location of the protocol logs on an Exchange server

Use the below steps to configure the location of the protocol logs.
Open the EAC and navigate to Servers > Servers.
Select the Mailbox server you want to configure, and then click Edit .
On the server properties page, click Transport logs. In the Protocol log section, change the following settings:
  • Send protocol log path
  • Receive protocol log path

Specify a location, and then click Save.
To enable or disable protocol logging on a Send connector or a Receive connector, use the following syntax in the Exchange Management Shell:
Set-SendConnector "to internet" -ProtocolLoggingLevel Verbose

To verify that you have successfully configured protocol logging, browse the log location for the Send connector or the Receive connector protocol logs, and verify that a log file exits and they are being updated.
